Codigo Etico Plan Antifraude Creama MarinaAlta

The Consortium for the Economic Recovery and Activity of the Marina Alta, CREAMA, as a local public service entity, considers it necessary to have instruments to ensure good governance and good administration, starting with an ethical structure embodied, basically, in a Code of Ethics, as a formal declaration of ethical principles and values that inform all its actions, which must be accepted and assumed by all its members, and to whose achievement is committed in all its actions.
The entities integrated in CREAMA, aware that their activity generates social, economic and cultural impacts on the territory in which it operates, wishing that such impacts are positive, in accordance with the values and principles that inspire each entity and CREAMA as a whole, and under the premise of compliance with the law in force at all times, approved in November 2021 the I Code of Ethics of the consortium that is complemented by the measures contained in the Anti-Fraud Plan.